§ 6.08.130. Nucleus apiary site registration.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    A person who owns or occupies a nucleus apiary site in the county shall register the site with the commissioner before January 1 of each calendar year. The registration shall be on a form approved by the commissioner. The applicant shall provide all information requested by the commissioner, including, but not limited to:


    Applicant's name, mailing address, and contact phone number;


    The location of the nucleus apiary site, specifically the nearest quarter section, township, and range with description of nearest cross street or the GPS coordinates of the site;


    The name of the current owner of the land where the nucleus apiary site is located;


    When the application is for a new nucleus apiary site being registered for the first time and the applicant is not the landowner, written consent from the landowner authorizing the placement of the nucleus apiary on the property may be required by the commissioner;


    Other information that the department may require for the protection, safety, and welfare of the public and the beekeeping industry.


    Upon receipt of a completed application and payment of fees prescribed, the department may approve the nucleus apiary site registration and may issue certificates of registration for the site, setting forth the name of the owner and the specific locations of the nucleus apiary site authorized by the registration.


    Nucleus apiary site registrations shall expire on December 31 of each year. Reregistration of sites will be given preference if applications are received before expiration of the current registration. Thereafter, applications will be considered on a first-come-first-served basis, to be determined by date of receipt by the department of a completed application and payment of prescribed fees.


    In issuing certificates for nucleus apiary sites, if there is a conflict between applicants with respect to location, the department shall give preference to the applicant having the oldest continuously registered nucleus apiary site.


    The department will maintain a map of the current nucleus apiary sites.


    A registered nucleus apiary site may not be leased, assigned, or transferred, except as provided for in Section 6.08.140.


    Nucleus apiary site registrations may not be issued for new sites that are within such close proximity to other classes of apiary locations that there is or may be danger of the spread of disease or pests or if the proximity will or may interfere with the operations of an established apiary, as determined by the commissioner.


    If the commissioner denies an application, the applicant shall be notified in writing of the reasons for the denial. An applicant whose application has been denied may appeal to county's chief executive officer or his/her designee by submitting, within ten days of the date of the commissioner's determination of denial, a written appeal detailing all bases for the appeal. County's chief executive officer or his/her designee shall render a determination on the appeal within thirty days of receipt of the appeal. The decision of the county's chief executive officer or his/her designee regarding the appeal shall be final and conclusive.

(Ord. No. 2013-05, § I, 10-15-2013)