§ 6.08.120. Apiary locations.
Nucleus Apiary. All nucleus apiaries sites must be one mile from any other apiary, except where:
The apiary less than one mile away is registered to the same person; or
Written permission is provided to the commissioner from the owner of the encroached upon apiary; or
The site was listed as a location on the beekeeper's 2013 Annual Apiary Registration, as required in Food and Agricultural Code section 29040, or listed as a site for pesticide notification in 2013 and the location has been registered as a nucleus or commercial apiary by the same beekeeper every subsequent year.
Commercial Apiary. All commercial apiaries must be one mile from any nucleus apiary, except where:
The apiary less than one mile away is registered to the same person; or
Written permission is provided to the commissioner from the owner of the encroached upon nucleus apiary; or
The site was listed as a location on the beekeeper's 2013 Annual Apiary Registration, as required in Food and Agricultural Code Section 29040, or listed as a site for pesticide notification in 2013 and the location has been listed as such by the same beekeeper every subsequent year.
Pollination Apiary. There are no distance restrictions from other apiaries.
Landowner Apiary. There are no distance restrictions from other apiaries.
Hobbyist Apiary. There are no distance restrictions from other apiaries.
(Ord. No. 2013-05, § I, 10-15-2013)