§ 18.04.150. Annual inspections and reports.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Annual Reports. Surface mining operators shall forward an annual status report to the Director of the Department of Conservation and to the county on a date established by the Director of the Department of Conservation upon forms furnished by the State Mining and Geology Board. (PRC Section 2207(a) through (g))


    The county shall conduct an inspection of a surface mining operation within six months of receipt by the county of the surface mining operation's report, solely to determine whether the surface mining operation is in compliance with this chapter. In no event shall the county inspect a surface mining operation less than once in any calendar year. The county may cause such an inspection to be conducted by a state-registered geologist, state-registered civil engineer, state-licensed landscape architect, or state-registered forester, who is experienced in land reclamation and who has not been employed by the mining operation in any capacity during the previous twelve months. All inspections shall be conducted using a form developed by the Department of Conservation and approved by the State Mining and Geology Board. The operator shall be solely responsible for the reasonable cost of the inspection. The county shall notify the Director of the Department of Conservation within thirty days of completion of the inspection that the inspection has been conducted. The notice shall contain a statement regarding the surface mine's compliance with this chapter, shall include a copy of the completed inspection form, and shall specify which aspects of the surface mining operations, if any, are inconsistent with this chapter. If the surface mining operation has a review of its reclamation plan, financial assurances, or an interim management plan pending, or an appeal pending before the State Mining and Geology Board or the county board of supervisors, the notice shall so indicate. The county shall forward to the operator a copy of the notice, a copy of the completed inspection form, and any supporting documentation, including, without limitation, any inspection report prepared by the geologist, civil engineer, landscape architect or forester. (PRC Section 2774(b))

(Ord. 95-6 § 2 (part), 1995)