Shasta County |
Code of Ordinances |
Title 17. ZONING* |
Chapter 17.88. SPECIAL USES |
Article III. Other Special Uses |
§ 17.88.280. Storage of mobile homes, recreational vehicles, sea vans, cargo containers or truck trailers.
A mobile home shall not be placed on a lot until a mobile home installation permit is issued. A mobile home shall not be stored on a lot, unless the lot is a legally established commercial storage yard or a mobile home sales lot.
A recreational vehicle may be stored on a lot, except in those districts that require a use permit for outdoor storage; provided, it is not connected to utilities and/or used for human habitation.
Sea vans, cargo containers or truck trailers shall not be placed or stored on a residentially designated parcel except during construction of the residence.
Sea vans, cargo containers or truck trailers may be used for storage on industrially designated parcels if screened from view, or on parcels larger than forty acres that are designated for full-time agricultural uses and appropriate building permits are issued or an agricultural exemption is authorized. Sea vans, cargo containers and truck trailers shall not be used for advertising purposes of any kind.
(Ord. 99-1 § 51, 1999: prior code § 5.03.030)