§ 17.84.069. Sign appeals.  

Latest version.
  • Review of determinations of the planning commission are subject to the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedures, Section 1094.8. Either the applicant for a variance or any interested person may appeal the decision of the planning commission on any application for a use permit or variance to the board of supervisors. If this course of appeal is chosen, the procedures set forth in Section 17.92.030 shall be applicable to any application for a variance.

    (Ord. 2002-2 § 28 (part), 2002)

    Zone District
    TABLE 17.84.065
    Appurtenant Signs
    Notes: a. NP indicates "not permitted."
    b. Sign area includes both sides of a double faced sign.
    c.> means greater than or equal to
    d.< means less than or equal to
    Outdoor advertising
    Building Signs: Free-Standing On-Site Signs: Based on Lot Frontage
    (Ground Signs & Pole Signs)
    Limited Agriculture A-1 NP NP NP
    Exclusive Agriculture NP NP NP
    Timber Production NP NP NP
    Timberland NP NP NP
    Mineral Resource NP NP NP
    Habitat Protection NP NP NP
    Open Space NP NP NP
    NRA Shasta and
    Whiskeytown Units Residential
    NP NP NP
    National Recreation
    Area Shasta and
    Whiskeytown Units
    one sq. ft. of sign area per one lin. ft. of building frontage < 40 sq. ft. of sign area, < 8 ft. in length and < 15 ft. high, subdued in appearance, harmonizing in design and color with surrounding NP
    Designated Floodway NP NP NP
    Limited Residential NP NP NP
    Rural Residential NP NP NP
    Interim Residential NP NP NP
    One-Family Residential NP NP NP
    Two-Family Residential NP NP NP
    Multiple-Family NP NP NP
    Mobile Home Park NP One freestanding sign, < 50 sq. ft. and < 42 inches high, or 6 ft. high if > 35 ft. from center of driveway or a curb return at intersection NP
    Existing Residential NP NP NP
    Local Convenience Center One sq. ft. of sign area per one lin. ft. of building frontage 1) For > 100 lin. ft.: 1 free standing sign < 100 sq. ft, or double faced < 50 sq. ft. per side and < 20 high. Set a min. of 12 ft. from front or street side property line or road right of way. Sign set in a landscape island a min. of ½ of total sign area.

    2) For < 100 lin. ft., 1 free standing sign < 50 sq. ft. and < 42 inches high or 6 ft. high if > 35 ft. from center of driveway or a curb return at intersection
    Community Commercial One and one half sq. ft. of sign area per one lin. ft. of building frontage 1) For < 100 lin. ft.: 1 ground sign < 50 sq. ft. and < 42 inches high or 6 ft. high if > 35 ft. from center of driveway or a curb return at intersection

    2) For > 100 lin. ft.: 1 free standing sign < 300 sq. ft., or double faced < 150 sq. ft. per side, and < 30 high. Set a min. of 12 ft. from front or street side property line or road right-of-way. Sign set in a landscape island a min. of ½ of total sign area. A portion of the allowed sign area may be allocated to off-site signs identifying two or more establishments located in this district and sharing adjoining lots for parking and access.

    3) For > 300 lin. ft.: 1 additional free standing sign < 300 sq. ft and < 30 high
    One sign or structure other than those appurtenant to any permitted use, except they shall not be permitted in shopping centers.
    Office Commercial one sq. ft. of sign area per one lin. 1 ft. of building frontage 1) For > 100 lin. ft.: 1 free standing sign < 150 sq. ft and < 25 high

    2) For < 100 lin. ft.: 1 free standing sign < 50 sq. ft. and < 42 inches high or 6 ft. high if > 35 ft. from center of driveway or a curb return at intersection
    Highway Commercial one and one half sq. ft. of sign area per one lin. ft. of building frontage 1) For < 100 lin. ft.: 1 free standing sign < 50 sq. ft. and < 42 inches high or 6 ft. high if > 35 ft. fro center of driveway or a curb return at intersection

    2) For > 100 lin. ft.: 1 free standing sign < 300 sq. ft and < 30 high

    3) For > 300 lin. ft.: 1 additional free standing sign < 300 sq. ft and < 30 high
    One sign or structure other than those appurtenant to any permitted use.
    Commercial Recreation one sq. ft. of sign area per one lin. ft. of building frontage 1) For < 100 lin. ft.: 1 free standing sign < 50 sq. ft. and < 42 inches high or 6 ft. high if > 35 ft. from center of driveway or a curb return at intersection

    2) For > 100 lin. ft.: 1 free standing sign < 150 sq. ft and < 25 high
    Commercial-Light Industrial one sq. ft. of sign area per one lin. ft. of building frontage 1) For < 100 lin. ft.: 1 free standing sign < 50 sq. ft. and < 42 inches high or 6 ft. high if > 35 ft. from center of driveway or a curb return at intersection

    2) For > 100 lin. ft.: 1 free standing sign < 200 sq. ft and < 30 high
    One sign or structure other than those appurtenant to any permitted use.
    Mixed Use one sq. ft. of sign area per one lin. ft. of building frontage 1) For < 100 lin. ft.: 1 free standing sign < 50 sq. ft. and < 42 inches high or 6 ft. high if > 35 ft. from center of driveway or a curb return at intersection

    2) For > 100 lin. ft.: 1 free standing sign < 100 sq. ft. and < 25 ft. high
    One sign or structure other than those appurtenant to any permitted use. On parcels that are currently developed for commercial use.
    Light Industrial one sq. ft. of sign area per one lin. ft. of building frontage 1) For < 100 lin. ft.: 1 free standing sign < 50 sq. ft. and < 42 inches high or 6 ft. high if > 35 ft. from center of driveway or a curb return at intersection

    2) For > 100 lin. ft.: 1 free standing sign < 2300 sq. ft and < 30 high

    3) For > 300 lin. ft.: 1 additional free standing sign < 200 sq. ft and < 30 high
    One sign or structure other than those appurtenant to any permitted use.
    General Industrial one sq. ft. of sign area per one lin. ft. of building frontage 1) For < 100 lin. ft.: 1 free standing sign < 50 sq. ft. and < 42 inches high or 6 ft. high if > 35 ft. from center of driveway or a curb return at intersection.

    2) For > 100 lin. ft.: 1 free standing sign < 200 sq. ft and < 30 high.

    3) For > 300 lin. ft.: 1 additional free standing sign < 2300 sq. ft and < 30 high.
    One sign or structure other than those appurtenant to any permitted use.
    Public Facilities NP NP NP
    Planned Development The sign allowances will be stipulated in the ordinance written for each planned development.
    Unclassified The sign allowances will be as stipulated in the zone district that conforms to the underlying General Plan designation.
    Restrictive Flood See primary zone district
    Scenic Highway See primary zone district NP
    Redding Airpor
    Specific Plan
    See primary zone and all signs shall be unlighted or have indirect illumination from inside of the sign cabinet or from an outside fixture which distributes the light evenly on the sign. NP