§ 17.84.063. Sign permitting procedures.
Signs shall be permitted and denied as set forth in this section.
Appurtenant signs as defined in Section 17.02.525 are allowed subject to design and development standards contained in Section 17.84.065.
Outdoor advertising signs as defined in Section 17.02.545 require issuance of a use permit as detailed in Section 17.92.020.
In acting on an application, the Planning Commission shall apply the criteria set forth in the design and development standards set forth in Section 17.84.065.
The approval of a use permit for a sign may be conditioned upon the dedication of land and the posting of a bond to guarantee the installation of public improvements, so long as any dedications or public improvements are reasonably related to the use for which the sign permit is approved. Any application approved under this section may be limited in time by the Planning Commission to a term set by the Planning Commission when the application is approved. The establishment, maintenance, and operation of any sign so permitted shall cease at the end of the term, if any, of the use permit. No use permit for a sign may be renewed, but a new application may be submitted.
(Ord. 2002-2 § 28 (part), 2002)