§ 17.64.030. Uses requiring an administrative permit.
The following uses are permitted in the U district if an administrative permit is issued, and subject to the provisions of Sections 17.88.200 through 17.88.325:
A mobile home, in lieu of a permitted one-family residence;
The following uses, if they are accessory to a permitted one-family residence or mobile home, and the mobile home has an approved administrative permit, unless the mobile home was legally installed before an administrative permit was required:
Family care residence,
Home occupation with customer vehicle trips,
Large day care home,
Bed and breakfast guest facility,
Farm labor quarters,
In a commercial or industrial general plan land use designation, a one family residence may be permitted when part of and subordinate to the main building in which the industrial use exists, and the residence is inhabited by the owner or operator of the industrial use, or a paid caretaker or night watchman. The residence may be detached if the applicant demonstrates that there is a health or safety concern or an applicable fire or building code regulation which makes an attached residence infeasible. In the case of an industrial use that does not utilize permanent structures, a mobile home may be temporarily installed. The mobile home shall be removed when permanent structures are placed on the site or when the industrial use ceases.
(Ord. 2003-1 § 21, 2003; Ord. 99-4 § 68, 1999; Ord. 95-3 § 67, 1995: prior code § 5.02.310 (C))